The World Bank’s East Asia and Pacific Energy Global Practice Unit has mobilized AMALA Clean Energy Advisors (AMALA) to evaluate the performance of the Energy Sector Project II in Mongolia. The country experienced unreliable power supply and was over reliant on electricity imports despite having around 90 percent access to either on-grid or off grid services. The Energy Sector Project 2 aimed to improve the reliability of electricity services by upgrading an aging network and begin to enhance energy security by using more of its indigenous solar resources to reduce electricity imports.
AMALA’s value added will be to evaluate the projects performance to determine what worked, what did not, and why? In doing so, AMALA will apply an evaluation framework to determine the strategic relevance of the project, the extent to which project objectives were met and results achieved, and the efficiency through which the project was implemented. In addition, the evaluation will assess compliance with fiduciary functions, whether it met international standards for environmental and social, and if there are any risks to sustaining the project’s outcomes. Once completed, the Implementation Completion Results (ICR) report will be submitted to the World Bank Group’s Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) for validation and public disclosure.
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